Your Ammodor® Digital Hygrometer features a fine tune humidity adjustment knob. It is pre-tested for quality and accuracy at the factory but calibration before use is recommended to achieve the most accurate results. You can calibrate your hygrometer using one of the methods below.
Our hygrometers include a lifetime warranty. If it ever fails due to manufacture defect, simply return it directly to us and we will repair or replace it. Just pay for return shipping and for shipping of your new hygrometer (does not include battery replacement).
• METHOD #1: Calibration Kit
The easiest and most accurate way to calibrate your digital hygrometer is by using the Boveda Hygrometer Calibration Kit. It includes a sealed bag and a mini 75% humidity Boveda pack.
To calibrate the hygrometer using the Boveda kit:
1. Remove the plastic tab from the back battery compartment to start your Ammodor digital hygrometer.
2. Place the hygrometer inside Boveda on a flat surface and seal it tightly.
3. Allow the bag to sit for 24-36 hours at room temperature (between 65-75 degrees).
4. The hygrometer should read 75% humidity. Note the difference, if any between the hygrometer reading and 75%. This will be the number of percentage you’ll need to adjust for corrected future reading as described below.
5. Remove hygrometer from the bag and proceed to Adjustment steps below.
To adjust your hygrometer (if needed):
1. Turning the large raised adjustment wheel (#3) will adjust the humidity reading 1% for every one click of a turn. Turning clockwise will increase the percentage and counter-clock wise will decrease it. For example, if your hygrometer reads 72% after Calibration (see above) then you’d turn the adjustment knob 3 clicks clockwise to 75%.
2. Press the small Set button (#2) to lock in your adjustment. After a few seconds the hygrometer will read the adjusted humidity.
3. The unit will refresh every 10 seconds and display the current relative humidity.
4. Press the red Temperature button (#1) to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
5. Your hygrometer is now calibrated and can be installed into your Ammodor. Use the metal mounting plate or the magnet to attach to the inside top lid.
• METHOD #2: Manual Calibration
If you don’t have a Boveda Hygrometer Calibration Kit you can use a soda bottle cap filled with table salt and a plastic bag to manually calibrate your hygrometer.
Begin the manual calibration process by:
1. Remove the plastic tab from the back battery compartment to start your Ammodor digital hygrometer.
2. Fill the plastic top from a soda bottle (or screw on beer bottle top) with normal table salt. Add enough water to make the salt wet but not so much that water stands on top of the salt.
3. Place the cap and hygrometer inside a small plastic sandwich bag on a flat surface and seal it tightly.
4. Allow the bag to sit for 24-36 hours at room temperature (between 65-75 degrees).
5. The hygrometer should read +/-0.3% of 75% humidity. Note the difference, if any between the hygrometer reading and 75%. This will be the number of percentage you’ll need to adjust for corrected future reading as described below.
6. Remove hygrometer from the bag and proceed to Adjustment steps below.
To adjust your hygrometer after manual calibration (if needed):
1. Turning the large raised adjustment wheel (#3) will adjust the humidity reading 1% for every one click of a turn. Turning clockwise will increase the percentage and counter-clock wise will decrease it. For example, if your hygrometer reads 72% after Calibration (see above) then you’d turn the adjustment knob 3 clicks clockwise.
2. Press the small Set button (#2) to lock in your adjustment. After a few seconds the hygrometer will read the adjusted humidity.
3. The unit will refresh every 10 seconds and display the current relative humidity.
4. Press the red Temperature button (#1) to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
5. Your hygrometer is now calibrated and can be installed into your Ammodor. Use the metal mounting plate or the magnet to attach to the inside top lid.